Weekend Zoom Yoga!

[Zoom Yoga] Sat 16:00 / Sun 10:00! Tokyo (90 min)

Join the excitement!

Weekend zoom yoga in tokyo

Class will be taught in English and Japanese.

[When] During May: Sat 16:00 / Sun 10:00! Tokyo (90 min)

[How to Join] Please contact Tom to join.

[How much]

1,600yen/person. paypal.me/tomwada

After message exchange and payment confirmation, I will send the zoom link.

[Who’s teaching?] Originally from Kobe and Chicago, Tom is an accomplished yoga teacher based in Tokyo. He has been teaching the Yoga Teacher Training course (RYT200) for many years.

[Is this class right for me?] The class is for both complete beginners and intermediate students alike. Remember, we practice to become more flexible and strong. You don’t have to be flexible to start practicing yoga! Start now!

[Disclaimer] Practice at your own risk! I will not be held accountable for any injuries or damages incurred from the online class.

◆Testimonials /生徒さんの声
(S.I)”Your explanations are really easy to understand and educational. すごく意識できる👍🏼👍🏼本来あるべきヨガのクラスだわ😄

(M.I)”Yet another amazing class. 馴染みのあるポーズも意識することを変えるとまた新たに取り組むポーズのように思えてくる。そして、毎度トムのクラスは終わると身体がすっきり軽くなっている!Thank you!”

(W.J)”The info on how muscles work together was useful and a nice innovation.”

(J.T.) “Good(class)! Just like you were in the room with us! Well done!”

(P.S. )“Very good! I’ll be joining for more”

(W.S.) “I think it went quite well. You adapted your teaching for a different format. The use of a mini skeleton was a nice touch.

I didn’t realize till the end how many people were there. 15+ participants, yet it felt like even more private and intimate that at the studio. ”

(A.S.) “Great class! Got to really work on my hip joints😉
Your years of experience is comforting as well as you are good at giving easy and more challenging poses when appropriate. And… I didn’t notice until today😛but you have a good voice👍

(C.W.) “ありがとうー!参加できたよ!キツかった笑 でも最後の瞑想で気持ち良くて寝た笑 ”

(K.T.) “こちらこそありがとうございました😊

(N. K.) “今日も勉強になりました。お家ヨガが定着してきました”

(Y.M.) “ありがとうございました😊😊😊😊…肩甲骨と首の骨が毎日オンラインで仕事で、ガッチガチ!今日のヨガの始まりと共にそれに改めて気付いて、終盤にやっとにやっとほぐれてきました!首の骨を順番に意識して回す動き、良いですねー”